Welcome to JW Logistics and Warehousing Ltd

How to Locate JW and Key Considerations to Keep in Mind, and Terms

  • No private cars allowed on site
  • Please park your car near small gate, lay-by area
  • Report to reception via small side gate
  • Please note fire assembly point right of small gate
  • PPE to be worn on site - JW will supply
  • Warehouse and site area prohibited unless accompanied by staff or host
  • Due to the high activity and associated safety risks in our warehouse, we limit customer visits to approximately 20 minutes. During this time, visitors can view specific SKU item. 
  • These policy is in place to ensure the safety of both our staff and visitors. Visiting customers are responsible for their own safety before entering and after leaving the premises.
  • Once the customer chooses to visit the warehouse and view the products, they acknowledge all terms and potential risks and agree to comply with them.

JW Warehouse